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The William F. Ballhaus Prize

The William F. Ballhaus Prize is awarded for an outstanding doctoral dissertation in Aeronautics. Dr. William Ballhaus, received his PhD in Aeronautics in 1947 and he has had a distinguished career in industry which included designing (while still a student!) the A3D at Douglas Aircraft, a stint at Convair, Chief Designer and Vice President of Northrop, and president of Beckman Instruments. We thank Dr. Ballhaus for endowing this prize and enabling the recognition of what is for our PhD students, the culmination of their graduate career and the subject of many late nights and weekends spent, today, hunched over the keyboard of a computer.

Year Winner Advisor
2024 Salvador Gomez McKeon
2024 Benjamin Riviere Chung
2023 Peter Renn Gharib
2023 Hiro Tsukamoto Chung
2022 Benedikt Barthel McKeon
2021 Fabien Royer Pellegrino
2021 Eric Shen Pullin
2020 Ryan McMullen McKeon
2019 Cecilia Huerta Gharib
2019 Jean Christophe Veilleux Shepherd
2018 Marcello Gori Rosakis / Lapusta
2018 Maria Sakowski Pellegrino
2017 Damian Hirsch Gharib
2016 Hayden Burgoyne Daraio
2015 N. Bitter Shepherd
2015 X. Ning Pellegrino
2014 B. Lyon Gharib
2014 K. Patterson Pellegrino
2013 I. Aria Gharib
2013 A. Lopez Ortega Pullin
2012 X. Deng Pellegrino
2012 M. Inoue Pullin
2011 C. Reina Romo Ortiz
2010 S. Bane Shepherd
2010 D. Kim Gharib
2009 D. Chung Pullin
2008 I. Bermejo-Moreno Pullin
2008 C. Franck Ravi
2007 T. Kidd Ravi
2007 C. Mouton Hornung/Pullin
2006 D. Lieberman Shepherd
2005 J. Bergthorson Dimotakis
2005 K. Xia Rosakis
2004 K. Bobba Gharib
2003 A. Lew Ortiz
2002 S. Zhuang Ravi
2001 P. Guduru Rosakis
2001 C. Eckett Shepherd